Techniques in Typing

The basic technique stands in contrast to search and peck typing as the typist keeps their eyes on the source compy at all times.Touch typing also involves the use of the homr row method,where typists keep their wrists up, rather than resting them on a desk or keyboard as this can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. To avoid this, typists using this method should sit up tall leaning slightly forward from the waist, place their feet flat on the floor in front of them with one foot slightly in front of the other, keeping their elbows close to their sides with their forearms slanted slightly upward to the keyboard, fingers should be curved slightly resting on the home row(asdfjkl;).

Many touch typists also use keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys when typing on a computer. This allows them to edit their document without having to take their hands off the keyboard to a mouse. An example of a keyboard shortcut is touching the Control key plus the S key to save the correctin without missing a beat.


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